Why a Site Optimized for Mobile is a Must for Business Owners

| August 8, 2017

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As you might have already figured out from your own online activities, people are no longer only accessing the internet from their computers.   As a matter of fact, the majority of internet users are on when they are on-the-go, or at least away from their desktops and laptops.

Mobile use is on the rise and is predicted to continue to be so.   Tablets and Smartphones offer convenience and have opened up a variety of advertising opportunities for business owners.   You are able to reach potential customers just as they are making decisions when they are out and about.

So what happens if your site is unappealing or does not work at all for mobile visitors?

You lose their business.

It is more important than ever to get your site optimized for mobile use.

What are some of the best things you can do to make your site mobile-user-friendly? 

  1. Keep Your Content Short and Sweet

This does not mean you do not need a lot of content.   It just means you need to break up writing into small paragraphs and use small images that load easily.

Nobody wants to wait for anything when they are searching for information online, especially when using their phone.

The fast you give them access the happier they will be.

      2. Pop-ups are Customer Repellent

Avoid pop-ups as much as you can.   They are never welcomed, but they are especially loathsome on a Smartphone.

  1. Simple Designs are the Best

In addition to having short and sweet content, make sure your design is simple.   You will want to have brand consistency without overwhelming mobile visitors.

  1. Do not Ask Them to Type

Sometimes it is unavoidable, but whenever you can, avoid asking users to type anything. Include a scroll option menu if they must provide you with more information.

  1. Use a Splash Screen

This is the first screen users see when they open an app.   It is a great advertising tool, and gives users something to see while the app loads.

Finally, if you are not able to fit everything onto your mobile site, do not worry.   You can always offer a convenient “click here for the desktop site” on each page.   This way if someone needs to do something that does not work on the mobile site, they have an option that is easy to access.

If you would like assistance creating a mobile site or you are not sure yours is accomplishing what you want it to accomplish, we can help.   To learn more, give us a call!

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