When it comes to email marketing, there are several ways to do it right. Make sure you educate yourself on what benefits your company and what looks great in an email. It is important to make sure that your letters do not look like spam, and of course, how do you do this?
There are several ways to get quality opt-ins for your email list. A few of these include:
Offline Promotions
At trade shows, you will have a chance to get new names on your email list. If you have a “brick and mortar” store, use the point of sale moment to get current email.
Professional Subscription Forms
Make sure that the subscription form is as professional as you can make it. This encourages new visitors to want to join and hear all about what is new and what is available.
Tie It To Your Social Media
Get great qualified opt-ins through your social media. If you have Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook, this is where you would start. If you do not have one, it is a great time to get that set up.
Transformational Outsourcing and it`s Social Media Marketing Team was conceptualized in 2004 when the CEO Bob Levin who was then the CEO of Clay, Metal & Stone Read More
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